Legal Jargon: Starcraft, the Zerg, the Protoss, and all references and similarities are property of Blizzard Entertainment. Swat Kats, Razor, T-Bone, and all associated names and locations are property of Turner Network Television. Blah Blah Blah… Now on with the fun.

Chapter Four:
“The Cavalry”
Author: Chrome

 “General Duke?” Conrad thought to herself… Her musings went on in silence as Duke’s harsh voice blared over the comm…

 “Alright you sorry bastards, time for some battle tactics. Omega Squad… show ‘em what yer made of..” and with a chorus of “Yes Sir!” several fighters flared out of the fleet, breaking formation only to avoid the debris around them. Sleek and elegant fighters obviously designed for use in zero gravity. They darted, they dashed, they turned, they banked…

 They disappeared?

 “Bravo Seven this is Omega Leader, approaching vector two seven niner, please compensate.” And a few moments later the air, or lack thereof, was lit by the light of score of missiles blazing from unseen ships, hammering away at one of the larger creatures. It looked like a bloated crab with tiny legs. Conrad laughed to herself lightly as she imagined how such a creature would walk, though she stifled it with the back of her paw. Now was not the time for laughter. 

 Under such a direct assault, the creature literally popped, the air inside of it rushing out to meet the cold vacuum of space. It was hard to tell what the crafts were doing, being invisible tends to do that. Each time, the creatures attacked seemed to almost know where the ships were, though it died before it could do anything about it. Meanwhile, a massive capital ship loomed in the distance. Over the comm., the voice of the pilot of those invisible ships rung out, “General sir, this is Omega Leader, the critters are corralled, over.”

 At the bow of the capital ships, which Conrad assumed was where General Duke was, a strange red energy began to gather. Missiles from the invisible ships kept the Zerg pretty much in one place, while the remaining Interceptors flew back to the Carrier Conrad was on. The Interceptors looked like little jets, but they looked too small for any Protoss to be flying them. Moments passed, when the jets that previously were invisible began to fade back into view. As the Zerg creatures turned to return the favor of destroying their brethren, a bright red beam shot from General Duke’s ship. The beam’s very light warmed the command post, which was odd since it was supposed to be a hologram. Those unfortunate Zerg caught in the beam were destroyed, reminding Conrad of some of the rather more graphic Japanese animation she had seen back home.. god, where was home now?

 Those near the beam, however, didn’t fare as well as their brethren. The beam baked them almost into one solid piece, easy pickings for the jets that waited nearby. Tassadar spoke with a few of the others, and then addressed the comm. 

 “General Duke, this is Tassadar, Executor of the Protoss fleet. On behalf of us all on the Gantrithor, and those upon the damaged Hyperion, I thank you and your squadron for…”

 General Duke interrupted Tassadar’s gratitude, “Your welcome. Y’all are lucky I came when I did. This looks like Raynor’s fleet, sorry excuse for tactician. Y’all are welcome to join me on the Norad Two. We need to discuss some proper tactics.” And the comm. went dead.

 “That is something to be excused, old friend…” Fenix began, “He did save us, and the Zerg did outperform us.” And Tassadar nodded, “You are correct, Fenix. For a time I saw the Khala calling to me, though I struggled to remain. My cause is to Aiur, and I shall not be defeated so easily.” Tassadar was calm, almost adamant in his speech. Conrad noticed this… Tassadar could inspire a nation with his words. He chose them well, and he knew what to say. 

 “With your permission, I’d like to take our guest, Conrad, on a tour of the Gantrithor. If the Kats do not have room for another upon the Hyperion, she may need to remain here.” Fenix suggested. Tassadar nodded, turning to look upon Conrad with soft blue eyes, “Of course, old friend, and I shall make the suggestion myself that she has a place assured here with us should there be no room for her.”

 “I.. I don’t want to be a problem.” Conrad managed to say, though Tassadar shook his head, “Nonsense, I believe that it was the will of Adun that brought you here. When the Zerg attacked our mineral depot at Kel-Moria, our prototype transport the Forager was damaged. It’s guidance system could have taken it anywhere in all of creation, but it went to you, and when it returned, it returned here, to the flight deck.”

 Conrad nodded… again seeing Tassadar’s silver spoon in action. “I.. well… when you put it that way, I guess I can see your point.” Tassadar nodded again, “Within the coming weeks, perhaps you will see it clearer. Fenix, you may commence your tour.”

 Fenix nodded, and the two left through the door. The first thing Conrad noticed was the door was one like in “Space Trek” where it opened when you got close to it. Though this was a marvel in itself, it merely foreshadowed the many wonders upon the Gantrithor. 

 One thing that went noticed was that there were robots walking around. Actual robots! ”You have robots on the ship?” Conrad turned to ask in a hushed voice, though what Fenix told me of them simply proved the previous point. “Those are Dragoons, Conrad. When a warrior of the Khala dies, and their spirit is pure, their bodies are placed within the shell we call a Dragoon. There, using their still active psionic emanations, they can move about as though they were in their original bodies.” Conrad gulped a little, looking again at the Dragoon.. “If I die, will I go in one?” and Fenix shook his head, “No, Conrad, for only a Protoss can become a Dragoon.” They walked on for a while, until they returned to the flight deck. Conrad’s eyes lit up when she saw her jet, once smashed, now made whole again. “You fixed my jet?” Fenix snickered, and nodded,

 “Considering what had happened to you since then, it was the least we could do, though since we are not too certain with Kat aero- transport controls, you will have to wait until a Kat mechanic can complete the control unit.” Conrad nodded… considering what she’s already seen of the Protoss, she could imagine they probably drive with their mind, or their ships have some weird control to fit those weird hands of theirs. The Engine Room was amazing, almost entirely made out of some odd blue crystal, while another set of rooms, four in total, served a purpose that was alien to Conrad…

 “What happens here, Fenix?” She asked. “Here, Conrad, is where the shields that protect the Gantrithor are generated.” Then a light tone pulsed through the crystals. “In the recent assault by the Zerg, the shields were all but penetrated. I suspect it will be some time before the shields are up to their maximum.” 

 A few minutes later, Tassadar’s voice called over the comm. “Fenix, bring Conrad to the flight deck, it is time to pay a visit to the humble General Duke.”

 “Follow me, Conrad” and the Protoss warrior strode off toward the deck.

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